TBS is a short-term, intensive, behaviorally-focused service for Medi-Cal eligible youth (through age 21), who are engaging in behaviors that might result in an out-of-home placement or other high level of care. TBS provides field-based, trauma-informed, strengths-focused services to improve emotional modulation, shift behaviors, and increase hope, resiliency, and self-sufficiency. Services include a functional behavioral analysis and individualized treatment plan developed through collaboration among the youth, his/her family, treatment team, and TBS staff. Sessions are scheduled in accordance with the child and family’s needs, with interventions developed based on the family’s specific skills, values, and strengths to promote sustainable change.  


All referrals to Encompass's TBS program are generated by Santa Cruz County Children's Behavioral Health.


To learn more, call (831) 469-1700 x3515