Looking for youth counseling services?

Encompass' Youth Services Counseling program is personalized to meet the individual needs of youth and to enhance the strengths and assets of each family. We provide individual, group, and family counseling for youth and families. Participating in counseling improves family, peer, and community relationships; increases self-confidence and school performance; and reduces drug and alcohol use. Services can be provided in home, in office, virtually via the web, and over the phone. We accept Medi-Cal insurance and also offer a private pay (family is responsible for payment) option on a sliding scale so that all families can have access to high-quality counseling at an affordable price.

Services Offered

Individual & Family Support / Life Skills Training

Mental Health Services

  • Behavior Skills Training & Support
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Family Counseling
  • Group Counseling
  • Individual Counseling
  • Mental Health Evaluation
  • Mental Health Information/Education
  • Supportive Therapies
  • Youth Mental Health Services
  • Mindfulness & Meditation


  • Children and youth ages 3-20  
  • Must be Santa Cruz County resident


  • No fee for youth with Medi-Cal insurance
  • Self-pay / sliding scale options available - call for information + appointments

Contact Info

Youth Counseling: Call (831) 429-8350

Substance Use Disorder (SUD - drugs & alcohol) Counseling: Call (831) 226-3728

[email protected]


La consejería que ofrecemos se puede personalizar para satisfacer las necesidades individuales de los jóvenes y ampliar las capacidades y cualidades de la familia. Ofrecemos consejería individual para jóvenes y familias.

La participación en consejería mejora las relaciones de la familia y la comunidad, a la vez que aumenta la seguridad en sí mismos y el desempeño escolar, y reduce el uso de alcohol y drogas.

¿Quién califica? Juventud 3 - 20 y sus familias

¿Cuál es el costo?
• No hay costo para los jóvenes que tienen el seguro de Medi-Cal

Hacer una cita:

Consejería:  (831) 429-8350

Alcohol o Drogas: (831) 226-3728

[email protected]