Early Head Start provides high quality child development services to the most vulnerable young children in our community. The pre-natal months and the first three years of life are periods of incredible growth in all areas of a baby's development. Parents too, experience this exhilarating growth as they engage with and get to know their baby. Early Head Start helps children and their families get off to a good start and establish healthy patterns for life-long learning.
Services are designed to reinforce and respond to the unique strengths and needs of each child and family. Early Head Start partners with families to
- enhance children's physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development;
- enable parents to be better caregivers and teachers to their children; and
- help parents meet their own goals.
Services include quality early education in and out of the home; parent capacity building, including leadership and advocacy; and comprehensive health services, including services to women after birth.
Call TODAY for more information and to enroll your child: (831) 688-3802 or (831) 724-3885
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