Child and Family Development Programs recognizes the importance of the early years in children's learning and all aspects of their development. The following programs enrich this dynamic period of growth in children birth to five:

Early Head Start offers a home visiting program for pregnant women and children 0-3, and a center-base option for children 6-36 months. Both programs support children and families during the very first stages of life to build a strong foundation for growth and learning. Services are offered throughout Santa Cruz County, including Watsonville, Freedom, and the San Lorenzo Valley.

Head Start offers a part-day (3 1/2 hours) and extended day (6 hours) preschool programs for children ages 3 to 5. We focus on supporting children and families to be ready for school by providing opportunities for social and emotional growth; focusing on physical, mental, and dental health; and partnering closely with parents and families. Classes are offered at 11 centers located throughout Santa Cruz and Watsonville.

Annual Report 2022-2023

Child Application English

Child Application Spanish

Pregnant Woman Application English

Pregnant Woman Application Spanish

Head Start and CSPP Family Handbook English

Head Start and CSPP Family Handbook Spanish

Early Head Start Family Handbook English

Early Head Start Family Handbook Spanish


CFDP Main Office                         Contact Head Start
225 Westridge Drive                    (831) 724-3885
Watsonville, CA 95076                (831) 688-3802