2nd Story houses up to 6 people and serves as a respite and a voluntary opportunity for individuals to learn to foster relationships and to move out of old patterns. Our Peer support workers (people with lived experience of mood swings, consuming fears, voices, visions, and grief, etc.) who have learned to manage their own distress and are ready to give back in a mutually responsive way in our household, provide an opportunity to move toward change, and to learn through relationships with each other. With the expectation that everyone inherently knows what they need, this community creates a space for both healing and growth. Along with creating a home, we share stories to connect and understand each other’s experiences, gently challenging ourselves to express and hear the untold story. The hope is move beyond a culture of illness, and instead generate some sparkling moments of connection and trust.

2nd Story is considered an alternative for psychiatric hospitalization. Those who are drawn to the program develop a plan with staff for dealing with feelings and behaviors that in the past have led to hospitalization stays. The first contact with peer support workers is the beginning of different views, working together to figure out a new life path. 2nd Story offers a maximum stay of 15 days in a spacious home environment and provides guests with opportunities to identify and plan for changes they feel will benefit them once they have returned home. Often people receive support around housing, education, and employment. The dream is to rebuild lives once thought lost.

2nd Story peer respite services are voluntary, self-referred, and open to Santa Cruz County adult residents (18 + years of age). If you are interested in being a guest, or you are a care provider or family member seeking support for someone, please call (831) 688-0967 for potential guests to set up an interview/conversation process.